business case for the value of good corporate governance among companies, board members, gatekeepers, share- holders and other interested parties, such as professional associations. Recommendations: Good
apply for a new power plant license. As a result, the value of the project greatly reduced from the date the company bought the project, the company is of the opinion that if the project has not been sold
11th and ending 2001 strongly at 303. The average daily trading value rose to 6,440 million baht from 3,740 million baht in the previous year while the SET’s market capitalization increased from 1.28
be conducted from year 2005 onwards. Index Million BahtTurnover Value SET Index 1,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 0 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 31 D ec 03 23 Ja n 0 4 13 F eb 04 8 M ar 04 29 m ar 04 23
. Figure 1: SET Index and Turnover Value (Jan 3 - Dec 29, 2006) Source: SETSMART Local Non-institutional Investors Local Institutional Investors Foreign Investors Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov
, approximately a 31 percent growth from 5,079 billion baht at the end of 2006. The outstanding value of the debt securities at year end amounted to 4,886 billion baht or a 20 percent rise from 4,085 billion baht
end of 2001, there are 620 funds with net asset value of 222,916.58 million baht being registered with the ROSC_Thailand_web.pdf their
, resulting in robust economic outlook. Transactions in both primary and secondary markets in 2003 were very active. Total value of shares offerings was 132,248 million baht, 20,832 million baht of which were
วันท าการซื้อขาย ทุกวันท าการซื้อขาย สรุป hearing ขึ้น web commitment ที1 notional value เพราะสะ
more than 60 percent of net value asset ; (f) units of foreign collective investment scheme issuing or < > > < > > Previous First