Microsoft Word - 5. TKS - SET Announcement (BOD) (EN) - final (first amendment with allocation ratio).docx 1 (-Translation-) Ref. IR 60/011 December 12, 2017 Subject: Reduction of the Registered
Microsoft Word - 1. TKS - SET Announcement (BOD) (TH) - final (first amendment with allocation ratio).docx 1 ที IR 60/011 12 ธนัวาคม 2560 เรือง การลดทนุจดทะเบียน, การทําคําเสนอซื อหลกัทรัพย์ทั งหมดใน
results as at the year 2019. 3. To consider and approve the 2019 financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2019. 4. To consider and approve the non - profit apportionment 5. To acknowledge the
2.87 $/BBL, the refining margin still remains on the low side due to the crack spread of finished product and reference crude oil price declining significantly. A result of severe drop in demand for fuel
of the investors from within October 31, 2018 to be on November 30, 2018. 2) Adding information relating to investors, shareholding structure before and after the allocation of newly-issued ordinary
1st quarter of 2016 to 3-in- 1 and RTD Coffee marketed since the 2nd half of 2016. Product strategies also include the shaping up of additional revenue stream from distribution of diversified set of 3rd
first half of 2020 was affected by the COVID-19 outbreak that wreaked wide spread havoc upon economies around the world. Moreover, the border closure policies, and travel limitations to control the spread
reduced Market GRM, following the decline in refinery production volume due to the TAM, as well as a decrease in average Gasoline/Dubai crack spread and Fuel oil/Dubai crack spread, and the rise in crude
daily lives of city people and there are distribution points spread all around BTS stations, MRT stations and intensive traffic areas, including other significant places to easily and broadly reach its
stock of necessary supplies to prevent the spread of the virus. The Company focused on adjusting its sales and marketing plans to suit the situations, and moved forwarded to online channels as an