holding in, securities, derivative, or any other properties, or invest in or procure for profit by other means. "private fund management" 2 means the management of funds of a person or group of persons who
management of funds of a person or group of persons who has authorized the management of investment to acquire benefit from securities, whether or not investment in other assets is also made, which management
or the beneficiary of a trust dies, becomes insolvent, becomes dissolved or ceases to be a juristic person or where the trustee of a trust has been altered, the trust shall not be affected unless the
been altered, the trust shall not be affected unless the trust instrument provides otherwise. Division 3 Amendment to Trust Instrument and Alteration of Trustee _____________________ SECTION 20 An
trust has been altered, the trust shall not be affected unless the trust instrument provides otherwise. UNOFFICIAL 5 Division 3 Amendment to Trust Instrument and Alteration of Trustee
directors has approved to call for the meeting. When the board of directors determines the date on which the recorded shareholders have the right to attend the meeting, such date cannot be altered. SECTION 89
the management of funds of a person or group of persons who has authorized the management of investment to acquire benefit from securities, whether or not investment in other assets is also made, which
มี้การประชุมรับฟังความคิดเห็น (“focus group”) เร่ือง การก าหนด ทุนจดทะเบียนช าระแลว้ของบริษทัหลกัทรัพย ์จ านวน 1 คร้ัง เม่ือวนัท่ี 29 มีนาคม 2559 โดยมี ผูเ้ขา้ร่วมประชุมจากบริษทัหลกัทรัพย ์ผูป้ระกอบ
, employee, or worker of business in the group of the securities issuing company, who holds a position or the line of work responsible for or capable of accessing inside information; (3) ascendant, descendant
cohabiting partner and minor children; (2) director, executive, controlling person, staff member or employee of the business in the digital token offeror’s group, who holds the position or carry out the work