Microsoft Word - 5. TKS - SET Announcement (BOD) (EN) - final (first amendment with allocation ratio).docx 1 (-Translation-) Ref. IR 60/011 December 12, 2017 Subject: Reduction of the Registered
Microsoft Word - 1. TKS - SET Announcement (BOD) (TH) - final (first amendment with allocation ratio).docx 1 ที IR 60/011 12 ธนัวาคม 2560 เรือง การลดทนุจดทะเบียน, การทําคําเสนอซื อหลกัทรัพย์ทั งหมดใน
and Allocation of Securities to the Specific Investor (Private Placement) To The President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Attachment 1. Information Memorandum regarding the Acquisition of Assets and
following process: a. To determine detail and date of allocation, including to negotiate, agree, and sign in any relating document and/or agreement, to file relevant transaction documents to the Ministry of
Securities Allocation Transaction, including the following process: a. To determine detail and date of allocation, including to negotiate, agree, and sign in any relating document and/or agreement, to file
Transaction, including the following process: a. To determine detail and date of allocation, including to negotiate, agree, and sign in any relating document and/or agreement, to file relevant transaction
document for approval to the SET; (3) to sign, amend contact or report any information in the application and necessary document for the offering and allocation, share subscription and deliver such share
filing required document and other relating document for approval to the SET; (3) to sign, amend contact or report any information in the application and necessary document for the offering and allocation
conduct other necessary action for and in connection with the issuance, allocation and offering of newly issued shares and filing information and disclose the relevant details to the SET; (2) to sign, amend
financial statement as at December 31st, 2017. Agenda 4 To consider the profit allocation and dividend payment of 2017. Agenda 5 To consider and appoint the director to replace whose service of period is