: https://www.iosco.org/about/?subsection=display_committee&cmtid=6 • IOSCO Board Member In addition to playing an active role as an IOSCO member, the SEC was elected as a member of the Board of
percent of the total voting rights to propose that the board of directors include a matter in the agenda of the shareholder meeting. The board of directors must do so within a specified period of time for
percent of the total voting rights to propose that the board of directors include a matter in the agenda of the shareholder meeting. The board of directors must do so within a specified period of time for
, the highly active market in 1987 drew in short-term speculation that led to unfair market practice amidst inefficient investor protection. To address the aforesaid issues, the Securities and Exchange
capital put items on the general meeting agenda? Ans. Yes พ.ร.บ. หลักทรัพยฯ์ มาตรา 89/28 1/1 6 Must Buyer's annual financial statements be audited by an external auditor? Ans. Yes - พ.ร.บ. บริษัทมหาชนฯ
นโยบายและแนวทางการดาเนนิการ ที่ชัดเจนเพ่ือส่งเสริมให้ภาคธุรกิจในตลาดทุนให้ความ 6 link: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/12/why-fighting-corruption-is-key-to-addressing-the-world-s-most-pressing-problems
(Integrity Pact) และโครงกำรควำมโปร่งใสในกำรก่อสร้ำงภำครัฐ (Infrastructure Transparency Initiative) กำรรณรงค์โครงกำร “ไม่ให้ ไม่รับ” ของขวัญปีใหม่ (No Gift Policy) โครงกำร เยำวชนตื่นรู้สู้โกง (Active Youth) และ