KIATNAKIN PHATRA ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED| | Offering Date : 14/09/2006 - 22/09/2006
PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Disclosure Business News ( 6 record(s) found) Date Time Heading Link 05/08/2022 17:29 Notification of the Establishment Progress of BA Airport Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust
2,483 mn. CPNRF, including CentralPlaza Rama 2 (renovated 25% of NLA and expected to be finished in 4Q17) and CentralPlaza Chiangmai Airport (renovated 10% of NLA and expected to be finished in 4Q17
(Thailand) operates 11 stores including 5 full service restaurants with retail, 5 cafés with retail, and 1 restaurant with retail in Suvarnabhumi Airport (51% joint venture). The company has secured a second
including 5 full service restaurants with retail, 5 cafés with retail, and 1 restaurant with retail in Suvarnabhumi Airport (51% joint venture). The company has secured a second café location in the Airport
1 Ref. 29/01/36 19 June 2020 Subject: Notification on the Entering into the Public-Private Partnership Agreement for the U-Tapao International Airport and Eastern Aviation City Development Project To
was resulted from airline business decreasing by 25.2 percent, airport business decreasing by 18.4 percent and airport-related businesses decreasing by 14.6 percent. 3 ASIA’S BOUTIQUE AIRLINE The
year. An increase in total revenue was mainly due to airline, airport-related services and other related business and airport which rose by 4.9 percent, 6.1 percent and 17.1 percent respectively. The
revenue was mainly due to airline, airport-related services and other related business and airport which rose by 4.9 percent, 6.1 percent and 17.1 percent respectively. The performance of airline and
, namely CentralPlaza Rama 2 (25% of NLA renovated and expected to be finished in 4Q17) and CentralPlaza Chiangmai Airport (10% of NLA renovated and expected to be finished in 4Q17). Meanwhile, the major