revised in 2004 to take into account inter alia, the experience in Asia with concentrated ownership. The Asian Roundtable therefore decided that a review of the White Paper was warranted. This Report is
in an audiovisual format in a bid to respond to the changing behaviors of investors, who tend to use the Internet more as a channel to receive information and do not spend as much time on reading
have an impact on the overall capital market, with the provision that the business operators must select a service provider from the list of service providers approved by SEC. In addition, the draft
other intermediaries; This is a new chapter which addresses the need for sound economic incentives throughout the investment chain, with a particular focus on institutional investors acting in a fiduciary
three nested bowls. (H 9 cm) P r o p o r t i o n Beauty comes with the right proportions. F a i r n e s s The rights of small shareholders need to be respected. No market can prosper without adequate
the years, which led to otherwise avoidable damages and erosion of confidence in the capital market and the Thai economy as a whole. The SEC, therefore, will continue on with its timely and relentless
percent of the votes and another with 20 percent. Five direc- tors need to be elected. without a cumulative voting rule, each shareholder must vote separately for each director. the majority shareholder
-General ]6 . . . . . . . . [ MESSAGE FROM THE SECRETARY-GENERAL ] (Mr. P rasa r n Tra i r a t vo raku l ) Sec re t a r y -Gene ra l In 2001 many measures of the SEC were put into operation. In our attempt
in accordance with international standards. One of the achievements during the year was the overall result of the Thai capital market assessment under the Financial Sector Assessment Program, a joint
instrument market will help create a balance for the financial system and reduce dependency to commercial banks. In addition, debt instruments can be issued at a time that matches issuerûs need, which helps