Annual Report 2004 S h a p i n g t h e T h ai C a p i t a l M a r k e t A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 0 4 S E C U R I T I E S A N D E X C H A N G E C O M M I S S I O N , T H A I L A N D This year’s annual report features Benjarong ceramics. Benjarong, meaning five colours, gained popularity in the royal court and the high society of Siam in the late Ayudhya period (A.D. 1350 - 1767). But it was during the early Rattanakosin period (A.D. 1782 - present), in the reigns of King Rama II and King Rama...
Reform Priorities in Asia: Taking Corporate Governance to a Higher Level Taking Corporate Governance to a Higher Level reform priorities in Asia 2011 REFORM PRIORITIES IN ASIA: TAKING CORPORATE GOVERNANCE TO A HIGHER LEVEL 2011 This work is published on the responsibility of the Secretary-General of the OECD. The opinions expressed and arguments employed herein do not necessarily reflect the official views of the Organisation or of the governments of its member countries. This document and any m...
will closely coordinate with the SET to monitor stock trading activities and solve the problem in advance. Another aspect of the supervisory task is to improve risk management procedures of securities
from the impact, reflecting fundamental confidence on the part of the investors. Overall, the SET made a strong advance as the SET index climbed from 269 at the end of 2000 to 342 just prior to September
Annual Report 2006 Khon... the classical masked drama since the Ayudhya period (A.D. 1350-1767). It is performed to the epic of Ramayana, which portrays the war between Rama (the Righteous King) and Totsakan (the Demon King), the Conquer of Good over Evil. Khon masks... headdresses worn by Khon performers, the single most important character-identifying piece of Khon costume. The masks, now an invaluable export item, epitomize the exquisite beauty and unique elegance of Thai fine arts. In Suppor...
issue of political independence of the securities supervisor through the creation of a formal governing body (a board, council, or commission) whose members are given fixed terms of appointment. If the
:// SEC Thailand’s Public Hearing on Regulatory and Supervision of Digital Asset Advisory Service and Digital Asset Fund Manager
Digital Asset Fund Manager SEC adds “ digital asset investment advisor” and “ digital asset fund manager” as new regulated businesses and amends
:// SEC Thailand’s Public Hearing on Regulatory and Supervision of Digital Asset Advisory Service and Digital Asset Fund Manager
Digital Asset Fund Manager SEC adds “ digital asset investment advisor” and “ digital asset fund manager” as new regulated businesses and amends