Chart Master Co., Ltd Chart Master Co., Ltd. by Mr. Thiti Tharasuk, an authorized director of Chart Master Co., Ltd., had convinced and solicited the public to invest in derivative contracts. Such
causing the coin can only trade on Bitkub’s exchange and experiencing a very unusual price adjustment. Since Bitkub’s compliance system failed to supervise the product department to monitor the properties
Mr. Thiti Tarasuk Mr. Thiti Tharasuk, an authorized director of Chart Master Co., Ltd., had convinced and solicited the public to invest in derivative contracts. Such solicitation was made via
Mr. Narathip Lohawaroj Mr. Narathip Lohaweroj, an investment consultant of a securities company had cooperated with Mr. Thiti Tharasuk, an authorized director of Chart Master Co., Ltd., convinced
Mr. Torpong Thammasombut Mr. Torpong Thammasombat, an investment consultant of a securities company had cooperated with Mr. Thiti Tharasuk, an authorized director of Chart Master Co., Ltd
Mrs. Sakonwan Paruang Miss Skonwan Paruang had cooperated with Mr. Thiti Tharasuk, an authorized director of Chart Master Co., Ltd., who had convinced and solicited the public to invest in