Microsoft Word - NMG - SET Disclosure on BoD resolutions (KK Land)(12Nov18) ENG (1) 13 November 2018 Subject: Entering into the Transaction of Disposing Land and Buildings, Amphoe Mueang Khon Kaen
Microsoft Word - NMG - SET Disclosure on BoD resolutions (KK Land)(12Nov18) (4) วนัท่ี 13 พฤศจิกายน 2561 เร่ือง การเข้าทํารายการจําหน่ายท่ีดินพร้อมสิง่ปลกูสร้าง อําเภอเมืองขอนแก่น จงัหวดัขอนแก่น
Microsoft Word - TNMG - SET Disclosure on BoD resolution (KK Land)31Jan 19 1 วนัท่ี 31 มกราคม 2562 เร่ือง ยกเลิกมติคณะกรรมการบริษัทฯ ครัง้ท่ี 13/2561 และครัง้ท่ี 16/2561 ท่ีเก่ียวข้องกบัรายการจํา
Microsoft Word - 62-01-31 NMG - SET Disclosure on BoD resolution (KK Land) 31-Jan-19.doc ENG_Orion NMG 31 Janu Subject To: Enclosu Nation 13 Nov title dee Kaen, w Lao Na and Bu Directo authoriz
143,840,400 and actual buying & selling price of the land that is located nearby which is approximate Bath 276,912,000 - 338,448,000 by the company using the maximum price is the price of the actual trading of
: Value of Acquisition of Assets, compared to value of total Assets of the Company by comparing with actual buy and sell price of the land nearby 12. Transaction Size : Equivalent to 17.82% of the Company’s
Shareholders of Thai Wacoal Public Company Limited, held on April 22, 2019, the meeting approved the sale of the company’s land to Saha Pathana Inter-Holding Plc. (SPI). Afterwards, SPI has notified the company
Shareholders of Thai Wacoal Public Company Limited, held on April 22, 2019, the meeting approved the sale of the company’s land to Saha Pathana Inter-Holding Plc. (SPI). Afterwards, SPI has notified the company
Income 6.28 6.04 4% Profit from Disposal of Land - 98.74 -100% Financing Cost 0.03 2.61 -99% Corporate Tax 21.22 44.31 -52% Net Profit 82.92 176.67 -53% Net Profit excl. Profit from Disposal of Land 82.92
. as company auditors. 4. To propose to the shareholders’ general meeting to approve the sale of the company’s 4 land plots located in Bangpongpang sub-district, Yannawa district, Bangkok Metropolitan to