SEC is empowered to take any of the following actions, as the case maybe: (1) Administrative Actions, (2) Criminal Actions, and (3) Civil Sanctions A flowchart of Procedure for Investigation and
รวบรวมได้มีน้ำหนักเพียงพอที่จะบังคับใช้กฎหมายกับผู้กระทำความผิด โดยมีช่องทางในการบังคับใช้กฎหมายดังนี้ (1) การดำเนินการทางปกครอง (Administrative Actions) (2) การดำเนินการทางอาญา (Criminal Actions) (3) การ
18/12/2009 company is licensed to operate derivatives business. Later, the company took possession of the deceived investors’ assets. Such actions were deemed to be a public frauds under Section 343 of
possession of the deceived investors’ assets. Such actions were deemed to be a public frauds under Section 343 of the Criminal Criminal Complaint Filed with an
. Later, the company took possession of the deceived investors’ assets. Such actions were deemed to be a public frauds under Section 343 of the Criminal