-9320 1 Ref: PLC 2017/012 August 14, 2017 Subject: Management Discussion and Analysis Quarter 2 Ended 30-June-2017 To: The President of the Stock Exchange of Thailand Panjawattana Plastic Public Company
-9320 1 Ref: PLC 2018/009 May 11, 2018 Subject: Management Discussion and Analysis Quarter 1 Ended 31-Mar-2018 To: The President of the Stock Exchange of Thailand Panjawattana Plastic Public Company
หนา้1/2 (Translation) Ref. JCKH 014/2561 May 15, 2018 Subject: Management Discussion and Analysis for the Quarter 1/2018 To: The President The Stock Exchange of Thailand CC: The Secretary General The
1 / 3 No.IR.003/2019 28 February 2019 Re: Notification of the changes of the Profit and Loss Statement To: President Stock Exchange of Thailand We, T Engineering Corporation Public Company Limited
1/2 (Translation) Ref. HPIR 004/2018 February 28, 2018 Subject : Management Discussion and Analysis for the year ended December 31, 2017 To : The President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Duplicate
subsidiaries Ref. PDI/BK-BS-008/2020 20th February 2020 Re: Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) For the year ended December 31, 2019 To: President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Padaeng Industry Public
analysis and decision-making processes 2 We will be active owners and incorporate ESG issues into our ownership policies and practices. 3 We will seek appropriate disclosure on ESG issues by the entities in
transfer transactions per day was 27,287 transactions, an increase of 104.4% YoY 25mn active subscribers and 2.2mn transactions per day Business Overview Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter 2/2017 3
transfer transactions per day was 27,287 transactions, an increase of 104.4% YoY 25mn active subscribers and 2.2mn transactions per day Business Overview Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter 2/2017 3
พิจารณาดําเนนิการตอไป หากทานมีขอสงสัย สํานักงานขอเสนอรายชื่อเจาหนาทีโ่ดยแบงตามหวัขอดังนี ้ Active Trust: คุณศุภรา ผองศรี ฝายกํากับธุรกจิจัดการลงทุน โทรศัพท 0-2263 6040 คุณเฉลิมพร วรพันธพานิช ฝา