Microsoft Word - Oishi MDA - Year End 2018_EN_v2_Sud.docx Ref. SorNor. 040/2018 November 20, 2018 Subject: Clarification of Operating Results and Financial Status for the year 2018, ended September
Microsoft Word - Oishi MDA - Year End 2018_ TH_SUD JR.docx 1/4 ที สน. 040/2561 20 พฤศจิกายน 2561 เรือง ชีแจงผลการดําเนินงานและฐานะทางการเงินสําหรบัปีสินสดุวนัที 30 กนัยายน เรียน กรรมการและผู้จดัการ
Microsoft Word - I-!9%*#8˙I-*ˇ@( Blue Sky 20200929 EN_MDA Year End - Translation - 1 ACC-O-2010003 October 1, 2020 To: President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Subject: Management Discussion and
Microsoft Word - I-!9%*#8˙I-*ˇ@( Blue Sky 20200929 TH_MDA Year End 1 ท ีACC-O-2010003 1 ตลุาคม 2563 เรือง การวเิคราะห์และคําอธิบายระหว่างงวดของฝ่ายจดัการ ชีแจงผลการดาํเนินงานสําหรบัปีสินสดุวนัที 31
Goodwill Goodwill is the value expected to be returned to the Company from its acquired business. At the end of 2017, the Group had goodwill of THB 923.17 million or 29% of the total assets, consisting of
. However, cash flow can still be collected as the Company continuously acquired more distress debt. In the quarter 3-4 of the year 2019. In the past, the Company had bought non-performing loans from
last year 24.2%. The Company’s 6-month end net profit margin stood at 25.9%. An increase of net profit was a result of the Company has higher revenues from collection of purchased accounts receivables
collection of purchased accounts receivables equal to 350.7 million baht increase by 28 million baht or an increase of 8.7 percent. For the 6 month-end of 2018, the Company’ revenues from collection of
Management Public Company Limited 2.3 Vintage Analysis The company maintains a portfolio of loans purchased and properties for sale acquired at various points in time. 2.3.1 Loans purchased and Foreclosed
1,699 million baht increase 20% compared with the same period last year the said collection increased from the previous quarter of 2020. In the past 6 months, the company has bought a total debt 1,983