would decisively impact the achievement of the SPTs • Where feasible, science-based or benchmarked against an industry standard (e.g. consider SMART philosophy specific, measurable, attainable, relevant
control system for goals and objectives achievement, compliance with applicable laws and regulations, safeguarding of the assets from frauds and damage, and preparing reliable accounts and reports. The
SMART philosophy: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound)). Care should be taken in selecting the KPIs as technological advancements and the regulatory environment change over time.6
equity market growth and to serve the needs of the real economy worldwide. The most important achievement of the meeting was the adoption of a Guide to strengthen corporate governance through effective
on this key step to safeguard the environment and spur sustainable national economic development. • Achievement of this goal is a testament to the strong leadership and commitment of the government and
STRATEGIC UPDATES 1) ADVERTISING Created new Station Entrance Experience welcoming commuters on BTS stations 2) PAYMENT Rabbit card Rabbit LinePay 3) AWARD AND ACHIEVEMENT https://www.innosight.com
mitigation Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives Permanent Secretary, Director-General and high level authority join forces for achievement of GHG emission reduction target as set by improving the
audited and made publicly available. The achievement of the targets will be reviewed by an external auditor. This opinion is based on the review of the information provided by the Issuer, according to our
SMART targets และให้ impact outcomes • เปา้หมายท่ีเลือก/ก าหนด ควรมีกรอบเวลาท่ีชดัเจน เพ่ือแสดงใหเ้ห็นความมุ่งมั่น • มีศกัยภาพท่ีสามารถท าไดจ้รงิ ความพรอ้มในปัจจบุนั (ก าลงัคน ระบบการจดัเก็บ ขอ้มลู พนัธ
Thailand Taxonomy Board The Thailand Taxonomy Board is established to develop Thailand Taxonomy, a classification system of economic activities deemed as environmentally-sustainable. The Board comprises agencies from both the public and private sectors to ensure all sectors’ views are reflected. In the initial phase, the list of agencies is as follows: 1. Bank of Thailand (BOT)* 2. The Securities and Exchange Commission, Thailand (SEC)* 3. Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and...