Microsoft PowerPoint - 9H!7-˙#0-ˆ˙#0-ˆ2#*H#2"2ˇCrowdfunding SEC Classification : ใชภ้ายใน (Internal) กระบวนการนำส่งข้อมูลอิเล็กทรอนิกส์ crowdfunding 1/42 SEC Classification : ใชภ้ายใน (Internal
Microsoft PowerPoint - PPT 2#*-*H-A%042!2#3˘8###!-ˆ#4)10@ˆ5"ˇ_241166 SEC Classification : ใชภ้ายใน (Internal) SEC Classification : ใชภ้ายใน (Internal) การขออนุมัติการลงทุนในตางประเทศ บมจ. หวานเจี๊ยบ
Microsoft Word - 2#-˝H-ˇ˝1ˇ@˚7H-2#@*ˇ-2"+%1#1˚"L˝H2ˇ˝9IC+Iˆ#42##0ˆˆ#2'L˜1ˇ4 [N] คูม่อืสําหรบัประชาชน : การขอผอ่นผนัเพอืการเสนอขายหลกัทรพัยผ์า่นผูใ้หบ้รกิารระบบคราวดฟ์นัดงิ [N] หนว่ยงานทใีหบ้รกิาร
Offeror : So Water Company Limited | Date of submission of the Statement of Intention : 18/09/2024
from the water supply contract from subdistrict administrative organization in Tambon Mai- Khao ,Amphoe Thalang, Phuket with Hydro Enterprise & Aqua Design company Limited (HYDRO), subsidiary of GS in
acquisition of the Project, Production and distribution of water supply to some part of Phuket and Phang- Nga that operate by Gold Shores Company Limited (GS) and Hydro Enterprise & Aqua Design Company Limited
water supply to some part of Phuket and Phang- Nga that operate by Gold Shores Company Limited (GS) and Hydro Enterprise & Aqua Design Company Limited (HYDRO). This transaction is between the Company and
water supply to some part of Phuket and Phang- Nga that operate by Gold Shores Company Limited (GS) and Hydro Enterprise & Aqua Design Company Limited (HYDRO). This transaction is between the Company and
guidance for all terms. Please see terms used in the Forests & Water Security module at the end of this document. Adaptation: Adjustment to climate change current or expected effects so the consequences to
E H O L D E R E N G A G E M E N T COMMITMENT GOAL SD POLICY SD FRAMEWORK Governance Being an accountable bank to create sustainable profitability We are committed to strong ESG principles to be a