ไดรบัอนุญาต ตองจัดใหมีการเปดเผยขอมูลเพื่อเปรียบเทียบคาความผันผวนแฝง (implied volatility) กับคาความผันผวนในอดีต (historical volatility) บน website ของผูออก DW โดยเปนการเปดเผย อยางตอเนื่อง
เปดเผยสูตรการคํานวณราคา และ factor ที่ใชในการคํานวณตาม แนวทางที่ IB club กําหนด เห็นดวยตามหลักการที่เสนอ - 2. การเปดเผยขอมูล historical volatility ไวในแบบ filing ไมเห็นดวยเน่ืองจากขอมูลดังกล
Company had tried to efficiently manage production yields and maintain inventory turnover within 30 days to prevent the cost of sales increase from the keeping stocks. The volatility of CPO price is also a
Company’s product selling price. Due to the undersupply of CPO in the market, the price has been continuously declined and more severe. The price fluctuation has begun since July 2016, where the price up to
policies to be used as a guideline to cope with the volatility of crude palm oil prices by focusing on the importance of purchasing and managing raw materials turnover at 30-45 days, sufficient for
forward, any improvement in the global economy will mainly hinge on the above factors. As a result, several central banks are expected to maintain their accommodative stance. Even though the Federal Reserve
Baht per Kilogram and the year 2021 was in range between 30.75-47.45 Baht per Kilogram (Source: Department of Internal Trade (‘DIT’), Ministry of Commerce). Due to the fluctuation of CPO price in the
percent (35.0 percent in the year 2017). The gross margin was higher as the company could be controlled the volatility of raw material prices. In addition, the production and sales in this quarter decreased
13,657 % Change 34.15 43.11 22.22 2.49 71.58 controlled the volatility of raw material prices. In addition, the production and sales in this quarter decreased the cost per unit. • Sales Expenses Q3/2018
the securities clearing house, including credit risk and liquidity risk. The financial resources shall be assets with high liquidity and low-price volatility which may be any of the following assets: (1