รายการเอกสารแนบท่ีต้องยื่นผ่านระบบเพื่อประกอบการพิจารณา นิติบุคคลต่างประเทศ 1. Power of Attorney 2. Notary Public กรณีนิติบุคคลต่างประเทศท่ีไม่สามารถส่งเอกสาร Power of Attorney และ/หรือ Notary Public
fine? The SEC Office institute a criminal prosecution by filing a complaint. Department of Special Investigation (DSI) Office of Attorney-General Considering whether to bring a prosecution or not? The
: ...................................................... (…………………………………………….) Authorized person Date: ......................................... Remarks: 1. In case of authorization for submission of documents, a power of attorney is required. 2. In case of a juristic person, the
: ...................................................... (…………………………………………….) Authorized person Date: ......................................... Remarks: 1. In case of authorization for submission of documents, a power of attorney is required. 2. In case of a juristic person, the
______________ _____________ In the capacity as the REIT Manager Name Position Signature Attorney-In-Fact: _________________ ______________ _________________ 14 1.1.2 Other directors apart from those under 1.1.1
investigation by the inquiry official, or under consideration and prosecution of the public attorney, or the deliberation procedure in court. The filing of a criminal complaint by the SEC Office under Paragraph 1
A-3 Form for Confirmation of Cost of Tendered Shares (Only for foreign juristic persons not operating a business in Thailand) Form A-4 Power of Attorney (for Tender Offer Acceptance) Attachment 2
account ทีม่กีำรลงนำม 2) เอกสำร scan ส ำเนำหนังสอืเดนิทำง ทีม่กีำรรับรองเอกสำรโดย notary public/notarial services attorney 3) ภำพถำ่ยใบหนำ้ผูย้ืน่คู่กับ passport 4) สง่ไฟลจ์ำกอเีมลทีแ่จง้ในแบบค ำขอ ถงึ
: ....................................................... (…………………………………………….) Authorized person Date: ......................................... Remarks: 1. In case of authorization for submission of documents, a power of attorney is required. 2. In case of a juristic person, the
the document, including edit the document which will be submitted to the government agencies or the other relevant agencies. (D) Perform any other tasks that the attorney view as necessary and