English (United States) ActandRoyalEnactment Sign In Laws/Regulations × Home > Laws/Regulations > Acts and
. Section 7. The SEC Office shall have powers and duties as specified herein and shall be entitled to receive various fees in accordance with this Emergency Decree. Section 8. In determining fees under sub
shall be entitled to receive various fees in accordance with this Emergency Decree. Section 8. In determining fees under sub-paragraph (5) in the first paragraph of Section 5, expenses and charges
powers and duties as specified herein and shall be entitled to receive various fees in accordance with this Royal Enactment. Section 8. In determining fees under item (5) in the first paragraph of Section
Thai ActandRoyalEnactment Sign In กฎหมาย/กฎเกณฑ์ × Home > กฎหมาย / กฎเกณฑ์ > พระราชบัญญัติ/พระราชกําหนด
the securitization established in the form of trust, a trustee may undertake more than one project simultaneously. Section 12. The special purpose juristic person shall carry out various activities as
and National Commerce Act (E-Sign Act) แ ล ะ Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA)๘ โ ด ย ทัว ไ ป แ ล้ว UETA แ ละ ๓ The Electronic Transactions Act https://www.corporateservices.com/singapore
the financial statements inaccurately or incompletely, the auditor shall disclose the facts and material impact on the financial statements in his audit report on which he is to sign in order to give
ถือ๗ สหรัฐอเมริกำมีกฎหมำยสำหรับลำยมือชืออิ เล็กทรอนิกส์และสัญญำ อิ เ ล็ ก ท ร อนิ ก ส์ อ ยู่ ภ ำ ย ใ ต้ Federal Electronic Signature in Global and National Commerce Act (E-Sign Act) แ ล ะ Uniform
ะสัญญำ อิ เล็กทรอนิ กส์อ ยู่ ภำยใต้ The Federal Electronic Signature in Global and National Commerce Act (The E-Sign Act) และ The Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA)๘ โดยทวัไปแลว้ UETA และ The E