exhibited signs of ongoing growth, driven largely by exports and tourism. This is in line with the overall global economic improvement. Domestic spending enjoyed promising growth, as evidenced by brighter
Operator หรือ ตัวแทน (“local representative”) ซ่ึงเป็น ผู้ยื่นค าขอตรวจสอบลักษณะหนว่ยของ ASEAN CIS ในประเทศไทย (“ผู้ยื่นค าขอฯ”) จะต้องระบจุ านวนเงนิทีจ่ะ เสนอขายในประเทศไทยเป็นสกลุเงินบาท และระบุช่ือ ผู้รับ
, upgrading technology in order to increase output of HDI products and the unexpected appreciation of the THB against foreign currencies, which had the effect of a decline in sales revenue, a low production
Bank /*# %B`&* ". $% /*( Custodian Bank )# TCR Issuer 0G"H
available at the office of the derivatives business operator for public access and also be published in at least one local daily newspaper in accordance with the rules specified in the notification of the SEC
calculating the absolute net position on a weekly and monthly basis. The results did not change significantly. • Local individuals • Foreign investors • Local institutions • Proprietary traders 3,170 accounts
decreased by Baht 27.58 million or 19.10% and Local Sales Revenue was decreased by Baht 10.14 million or 3.52%, as the result of COVID-19 Pandemic, overall economic has been slowdown both in Thailand and
economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local community and society at large. (WBCSD Stakeholder Dialogue on CSR, The Netherlands, Sept
the amount of Baht 45.6 million or 21.8% because the Company has been promoting the sales on the cash patients which was consistent with the upgrading of hospitals and added new brand “Kasemrad
reconstituted panels Cost of acquiring, upgrade, maintenance or running costs for vehicles used on the forestry concession Cost of establishing, upgrading or maintain forest roads on the forestry concession