being fund supervisor are unlimited liabilities partners or limited liabilities partners that hold shares in an aggregate of more than ten percent of the total shares of such limited partnership; (3
(cash settlement); 2. Investment in futures has high risk. Futures trading is a high risk investment where investor may face unlimited loss. Hence, before deciding to trade in futures, the investor should
that the maximum loss of a buyer of options is limited to the premium, he/she is to pay the premium but is not required to make margin deposit. On the other hand, the seller’s losses can be unlimited
หน้านั้น ๆ อาจทำให้เกิด unlimited loss แก่กองทุน/ลูกค้า · มีระบบฐานข้อมูลที่ใช้ในการคำนวณมูลค่า/สัดส่วนของสัญญาซื้อขายล่วงหน้าอย่างถูกต้องเหมาะสมและทันต่อเหตุการณ์ เช่น หากเป็นกองทุนรวม ต้องคำนวณทุกวัน
year such as manufacturing (number of factories, total production capacity), acquisition of raw materials or products for sale, number of raw material distributors, proportions of domestic and overseas
raw materials or products for sale, issues on raw materials (ex, shortage, technological effects on raw material use), the number of raw material distributors, proportions of domestic and overseas
year such as manufacturing (number of factories, total production capacity), acquisition of raw materials or products for sale, number of raw material distributors, proportions of domestic and overseas