Offering of any Type of Debt Securities dated March 13, 2009. 4 1. Provide information of the covenants that are aimed at protecting debt securities holders, under which the issuer is required to take or
expenses that are necessary to understand the issuer’s results of operations. B. Liquidity and Capital Resources 1. Provide information about the issuer’s short-term and long-term liquidity, i.e., its
. Covenants Relating to the Issuance of the Debt Securities 1. Provide information of the covenants that are aimed at protecting debt securities holders, under which the issuer is required to take or refrain
that are aimed at protecting debt securities holders, which can require the issuer to take certain actions, or to refrain from taking certain actions. Examples of covenants include; (a) prohibition on
Securing Prosperity for All ( growth) 7 Open Development Thailand
connecting peers around the world. The combination of responsibilities of boards and shareholders in a single set of Principles emphasises a mutual interest in protecting and generating sustainable corporate
bidding process. The main reasons in which hindered the Company from securing the construction bidding contracts remain from two factors as follows; (1) The increase in cost of construction mainly prices of
for the purpose of custody, or purchasing or selling, or borrowing or lending securities, or securing securities purchase or sale or borrowing or lending, or for any other purposes as specified by the
custody, or purchasing or selling, or borrowing or lending securities, or securing securities purchase or sale or borrowing or lending, or for any other purposes as specified by the Notification of the
Investing in future contract require investor to deposit certain asset with the derivatives broker for securing the fulfillment of futures contract by the investor. However, the amount of assets placed as an