Section 121 Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 Section 121. A mutual fund supervisor shall be a commercial bank or a financial institution which has qualifications as specified in the notification
of Securities and Exchange Commission No. SorNor. 45/2541 Re: Qualifications of Mutual Fund Supervisors (No.3) dated 4 November 1998. Clause 2 . In this Notification: “Fund supervisor” means the mutual
Supervisor ______________________ In pursuance of the Notification of the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission governing the qualifications of the mutual fund supervisor – one such qualification
investment units, established and managed by a management company. “Fund supervisor” means the fund supervisor of a closed-end fund. “Office” means the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission. Clause
3 years during a 5-year period prior to application submission, please specify details of the company where the applicant has performed duty as an audit supervisor or a person who reviews audit
of the increase or decrease in the number of investment units. “Scheme” means an open-end fund management scheme. “Fund supervisor” means the fund supervisor of an open-end fund. “Office” means the
) “ financial advisor ” means a financial advisor on the approved list of the SEC Office; (15) “ fund supervisor ” means the supervisor of a fund ; (16)2 “ common person group ” means the persons with one or more
: ________________________________________________________ 3) Home Regulator: _________________________________________________________ 4) Legal form of NRI CIS: Legal entity Unit trust Any other structure acceptable to participating jurisdictions 5) Type
; “Authorized person in private fund management” means the following persons: (1) Any person, who take responsibility in private fund management, from the position of private fund manager to manager in the case
operation, reputation, position and results of operation of the intermediaries. “ manager ” means a person who is designated by the board of directors of intermediaries to be the highest responsible