office, type of business, company license number, telephone number, facsimile number, home page (if any), amount and type of the total sold shares of the Company; (2) Name, head office, type of business
years; 1.1.5 Name and location of the head office, type of business, company registration number, telephone number, facsimile number, the Company’s website (if any), the number and type of the total
: Type of Business: __________________________ Head Office: __________________________________________________________________ Registration Number: Home Page (if any): ________________________ Telephone
Exchange Commission: For the purpose of applying for approval from the SEC Office for ………………………... (applicant’s name) ………………..., a registered auditor No…………, I, the head and the authorized person of the
purchasing or selling orders from customers outside its head office or branch offices unless otherwise specified by the Office; (7) purchase or hold shares, except: (a) those acquired in the course of
the said Act prohibits any securities company from taking purchase orders or sales orders from customers outside its head office or branch office premises, except the Office prescribes otherwise
: .............................................................Juristic Person Registration No............................... head office located at
Certification of audit firm leader Date……..Month………….Year………… Dear Secretary – General of the Securities and Exchange Commission I, Mr./Mrs./Miss………………………………………………….… (leader’s name), the leader of
; (2) A securities operation unit, the securities company may arrange for the full-service branch office to share the securities operation unit with the head office or other full-service branch offices
; (2) A derivatives operation unit, the derivatives broker may arrange for the full-service branch office to share the derivatives operation unit with the head office or other full-service branch offices