SET to purchase or sell of a particular type of listed securities on the SET. 4.2 More exemptions for members of the SET to purchase or sell of listed securities outside the SET No member of the SET
the reserves under the first paragraph shall be in accordance with the type and amount specified by the board of directors of the Securities Exchange, and the Securities Exchange shall disclose the
กบัดูแล ตลาดหลักทรัพย์ให้เป็นไปตามมาตรสากลเพ่ือให้ประเทศไทยพร้อมเข้ารับการประเมนิในโครงการ ประเมินภาคการเงิน (Financial Sector Assessment Program) ในปี 2561 รวมทั้งเพ่ิมความรับผิดชอบ และกลไกในการตรวจสอบ
registration by the company registrar; (3) the total amount of debentures issued; (4) name of debenture holder or statement that it is a bearer debenture; (5) type, value, serial number, number and amount of
debentures issued; (4) name of debenture holder or statement that it is a bearer debenture; (5) type, value, serial number, number and amount of debentures issued, interest rate as well as repayment period; (6
โครงกำร Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) ผูป้ระเมิน ไดเ้ข้ำประเมินกฎหมำยในกำรกำก ับดูแลศูนย์รับฝำกหลักทรัพย์ภำยใต้มำตรฐำนสำกล อนัได้แก่ Principles for Financial Market Infrastructure (PFMI
juristic person established in the form of a limited company, a public limited company, any other type of juristic person as may be prescribed by the SEC or the establishment of trust. A limited company, a
Decree shall be processed by a special purpose juristic person established in the form of a limited company, a public limited company, any other type of juristic person as may be prescribed by the SEC or
company, any other type of juristic person as may be prescribed by the SEC or the establishment of trust. A limited company, a public limited company, any other type of juristic person as may be prescribed
fund or any other type of juristic person as may be prescribed by the SEC. Section 10. Person eligible to submit a project to the Office of the SEC for consideration are: (1) commercial banks; (2