a valuable venue for networking and knowledge-sharing, the Roundtable produces policy reports and guides. The most important document remains the Roundtable‟s White Paper on Corporate Governance in
. Accordingly, customers repatriating their funds before such time would be entitled for only a two-third refund for the amount. The 30 percent reserve requirement had a severe impact on the stock market; the SET
A pr 04 18 M ay 04 9 J un 04 30 Ju n 0 4 22 Ju l 0 4 16 A ug 04 6 S ep 04 27 Se p 0 4 18 O ct 04 9 N ov 04 30 N ov 04 23 D ce 04 Market Performance in 2004 Stock Market In contrast to 2003, during
6-8, 1998) C o n t e n t s Corporate Review Capital Market Review Action Plan and Events Achievements in 2007 Appendices Organizational Structure Message from the Chairman Message from the Secretary
Principles of Corporate Governance - G20 version G 20/O E C D P rin c ip le s o f C o rp o ra te G o ve rn a n c e G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance ENG_Corporate Governance
will get all five seats, as s/he will always outvote the minority share- holder by 80:20. cumulative voting would allow the minority shareholder to cast all his/her votes (five times 20 percent) for one
Annual Report 2003 A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 3 S E C U R IT IE S A N D E X C H A N G E C O M M IS S IO N & O F F IC E O F T H E S E C U R IT IE S A N D E X C H A N G E C O M M IS S IO N , T H A
Commission No. OrNor. 7/2547 Re: Arbitral Process (No. 3) dated 13 October 2004. Clause 3. In this Notification: “respondent” means any of the followings: (1) a securities company; (2) a local share selling
: Arbitral Process (No. 3) dated 13 October 2004. Clause 3. In this Notification: “respondent” means any of the followings: (1) a securities company; (2) a local share selling agent; (3) a mutual fund
(No. 3) dated 13 October 2004. Clause 3. In this Notification: “respondent” means any of the followings: (1) a securities company; (2) a local share selling agent; (3) a mutual fund supervisor; (4) a