Section 106 Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 Section 106. A securities company shall prepare a balance sheet and a profit and loss account for each accounting period of six months in the form
stability of VCM production, and more balance of ECH market. Analysis of Cost and Expenses 1. In Q1 2018, Cost of sales was 4,159 MTHB, increased by 485 MTHB comparing to 2017 or 13.2% due to the increase of
Sales results of the foreign CIS units that have been offered in Thailand : Balance at the end of the previous calendar year on 31 December 20________ ……..…………………… units Subscription
-2022 Balance by Quarter Change Topic Q1-22 Q4-21 Q1-21 Q1-22 VS Q4-21 Q1-22 VS Q1-21 (Million Baht: MB) (MB) % (MB) % Total revenue 1,399.2 1,620.3 1,824.2 (221.1) (13.6) (425.0) (23.3) Total operating
เพื่อซ้ือหลกัทรัพยแ์ละกำรใหย้มืหลกัทรัพยเ์พื่อกำรขำยชอร์ต รำยกำร จ ำนวนเงิน จ ำนวนรำย 1. ยอดเงินของลูกคำ้ (cash balance) 2. ยอดรวมมูลค่ำหลกัทรัพยท่ี์เป็นประกนั 3. ยอดรวมมูลค่ำหลกัประกนัอ่ืน 4. ยอดเงิน
of steel Relationship with the Company Business Partners Debt amount * 252.08 million Baht Debt to Sales ratio** 7.33% Provision for allowance for doubtful accounts 100% of outstanding balance due to
Sales results of the foreign CIS units that have been offered in Thailand: Balance at the end of the previous calendar year on 31 December 20________ ……..…………………… units Subscription
negative impacts on market conditions and investor confidence. over the years, to ensure market stability and minimize adverse effects on short selling transactions, the SEC has approved the Stock Exchange
are translated at the average rate for the quarter, (for their respective currencies). The Balance sheets of the offshore companies were translated at the closing rate of Baht/USD 33.98 at 30/06/17, and
respective currencies). The Balance sheets of the offshore companies were translated at the closing rate of Baht/USD 33.37 at 30/09/17, and Baht/USD 34.70 at 30/09/16 (33.98 at 30/06/17) or the respective rate