ท่ีส านกังานก าหนด ซ่ึงเอกสารดงักล่าว จะแสดงขอ้มูลโดยสังเขปของผูอ้อกตราสาร ลกัษณะตราสาร กลุ่มผูล้งทุนเป้าหมาย (target investor) และความเหมาะสมในการลงทุน ตลอดจนแผนการด าเนินการภายหลงัไดรั้บอนุญาต (on
ticker, “AH”, and/or its subsidiaries. Target company Sakthi Global Auto Holdings Limited (“SGAH”) Relationship between the investor and the target company: SGAH is not considered a connected person of the
on the SET under the ticker, “AH”, and/or its subsidiaries. Target company Sakthi Global Auto Holdings Limited (“SGAH”) Relationship between the investor and the target company: SGAH is not considered
section 258 of the investor) as specified in the Securities and Exchange Act. B.E.2535 (as amended) (if any)) still being the major shareholder (the major shareholder means shareholding percentage exceed 10
factors (focusing on director votes, shareholder resolutions and other management proposals), publish criteria that need to be met for the investor to vote for a company's climate plan and/or resolution
about communication, it can take a variety of forms. The approach taken by an investor will be influenced by the way they invest, by their investment time frame, by their philosophy around shareholder
Investor Group on Climate Change (AIGCC) is an initiative to create awareness and encourage action among Asia’s asset owners and financial institutions about the risks and opportunities associated with
offering of capital increase ordinary shares to the Investor is reasonable. 3) Relationship Between the Investor and the Company, the Company’s Executive, Controlling Person, or Major Shareholder; and
: Investor working group on sustainable palm oil Slide 14: Best Practices in Voting Slide 15: The value of voting on shareholder resolutions Slide 16: Voting principles Slide 17: Applying voting principles
/11/expectations-ladder-english-1.pdf Alignment Target to Net Zero กำรวัดปริมำณกำรปล่อย คำร์บอนของพอร์ต กำรลงทุน (เท่ำที่สำมำรถ ท ำได้) ที่มำ : Investor Climate Action Plans โดย Asia Investor Group on