for tapering or ending their quantitative easing stance at the end of the third quarter of 2018. Given this, several emerging economies including those in Asia may be challenged by fluctuating
balance sheet, whereas the European Central Bank was gradually tapering its quantitative easing stance through reduced monthly asset purchases. Likewise, several other central banks signaled steps to be
, whereas the European Central Bank and the Bank of Japan may opt for tapering of their quantitative easing stance. Against this backdrop, interest rates in several countries are likely to be on an upward
timing for tapering - or ending – of their accommodative monetary policy frameworks. Certain central Asian banks were seen raising their policy rates at the end of 2017 to ease inflationary pressure. In
services in local and overseas markets. W ith the acquisition of TigerSoft, the Company is able to expand its business to hardware, such as clock devices to deliver bundled solution to clients together
revenue as we have recognized revenue of a big scale implementation job in Malaysia last year. With the acquisition of TigerSoft, the Company is able to expand its business to hardware, such as clock
and overseas markets. With the acquisition of TigerSoft, the Company is able to expand its business to complementary hardware, such as clock devices. TigerSoft also has a strong footing in providing HR
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consumption. The competition geared toward postpaid segment with selective handset campaigns while prepaid handset campaigns were tapering. Meanwhile, pricing environment remained competitive with the new
electronic channels, especially the K PLUS application which has recently developed new features, such as round-the-clock overseas funds transfer to meet the needs of customers seeking to transfer funds to