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:::言 .:‐ t Home Pottery Public Company Limited l19 Moo15T.Sobprab A.Sobprab LarFlpang 521 70 Tha‖ and lel:(+66)054-858996 Fax:(-66)054‐ 296556 www.homepotery.corn くヽお曰■Nnt例 Ql」 ,∩η,∩u ■o tta∩く∩9oNι31」 oo
affirm … action that is already being taken by the company. Vote to advise … on the substance and directionality of the resolution, rather than the intricate details. Voting in favour of shareholder
on the upcoming or intricate financial reporting standards. Additionally, the SEC will continue to encourage listed companies to establish a more robust internal control system. In so doing, we will
February Entered into the third joint venture agreement with Tokyo Tatemono Asia Pte. Ltd. (“TTA”) to develop an ultra-luxury condominium project in soi Sukhumvit 38, near BTS station – Thonglor. The project
souvenirs and various activities to enjoy in the ambience of decorated lights of intricate designs throughout the whole park. The project is designed and managed by executive management team of group
, choices of souvenirs and various activities to enjoy in the ambience of decorated lights of intricate designs throughout the whole park. The project is designed and managed by executive management team of
2562 กมุภำพนัธ์ ลงนำมในสญัญำร่วมทนุสญัญำที่สำมกบั Tokyo Tatemono Asia Pte. Ltd. (“TTA”) เพื่อพฒันำโครงกำร คอนโดมิเนียมระดบัอลัตร้ำลกัชวัร่ีส์ ในซอยสขุมุวิท 38 ใกล้สถำนีรถไฟฟำ้บีทีเอส ทองหลอ่ ซึง่คำดวำ่จะ
projects, the Lofts Ratchathewi, and an ultra-luxury condominium project in Soi Sukhumvit 38, near BTS station – Thonglor, which is the third joint venture project with Tokyo Tatemono Asia Pte. Ltd. (“TTA
เทวี และอีกหนึง่โครงกำรคอนโดมิเนียมระดบัอลัตร้ำลกัชวัร่ีส์ ในซอยสขุุมวิท 38 ใกล้สถำนีรถไฟฟ้ำบีทีเอส ทองหล่อ ซึ่งเป็นกำรร่วมทุนโครงกำรที่ 3 ระหว่ำงบริษัท และ Tokyo Tatemono Asia Pte. Ltd. (“TTA”) ผลประกอ