. Hypothesis construction • Assuming the geometric Brownian process with an expected return (ν) and a standard deviation (σ) • We can find that the probability of an uptick and a downtick with different tick
Coefficient of variation = Standard deviation/Mean, higher the coefficient of variation, higher the variability in the data Note: IVL NAM Spreads over raw material based on 100% PET integration from Ethane
the deviation of AdjRW recorded in the past. The amount of Baht 14.92, and 18.81 million for diagnosis related group (DRG) received in year 2013 and 2015 respectively and the amount of Baht 8.46 million
Interpretation • [All] One-standard deviation increase in paper loss would raise risk-taking by 13.79% • [Low-Risk Group] One-standard deviation increase in paper loss would raise risk- taking by 10.49% • [High
speculating in the stock markets. Anderson (2008) find strong links between the characteristics between frequent traders and problem gamblers in Sweden. It is unclear if this effect is only present in Taiwan
deviation) ควำมเห็นบริษัทจัดกำรเกี่ยวกับกำรลงทุนและทิศทำงในอนำคต พอร์ตกำรลงทุน ณ 30 มิ.ย. 59 กรอบการลงทุน : หุ้นไทย 100% โดยเน้นลงทุนใน SET50 แต่อาจลงทุนในหุ้นขนาดเล็กบ้างถ้ามีจังหวะท าก าไร และ กระจายการ
capitalization, and fund managers tend to prefer stocks classified as growth (versus value), and experience strong past performance (momentum). Fourth, funds that experienced higher returns and funds operated by
Social Security Scheme caused by the deviation of the past-record AdjRW advised by the Social Security Office resulting in the medical-service- fee adjustment of Baht 14.92, and 18.81 million for diagnosis
Fund standard deviation Benchmark standard deviation Warning • Investments in the mutual fund are not deposits. • The mutual fund’s past performance does not guarantee future results. 3 years 5 years 10
) Benchmarks: YTD 3 months 6 months 1 year Fund This HK Covered Fund is authorised and under the supervision of the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong. Benchmarks Fund standard deviation Benchmark