วนัเกดิ event กับ ราคาหนา้ตัว๋ (par) ของตราสาร|THB|20080105|20080105|20080105:135040| วธิกีารจดัท าและสง่ขอ้มูล 1. แตล่ะ field ก าหนดใหใ้ช ้“|” (delimiter) เป็นตวัแบง่ 2. field ใดทีไ่มม่ขีอ้มูล ใหใ้ชต้วั
jointly invest with Seacrest Capital Group (“Seacrest”) in the petroleum fields Draugen Field and Gjøa Field from A/S Norske Shell (“Shell”) through the investment by means of subscribing new shares of OKEA
reason is that Thai Baht strengthen against US Dollar which the Company exports the products is the majority. Detail of Domestic and Export Sales 2018 9102 selaS tropxE ClnnSd swSSE cpxn (RKI) 354.29
reason is that Thai Baht strengthen against US Dollar which the Company exports the products is the majority. Detail of Domestic and Export Sales 2018 9102 selaS tropxE ClnnSd swSSE cpxn (RKI) 354.29
in other countries of canned sweet corn and pouched sweet corn. However, the sale price per unit decreased, the severe price competition in the market and Thai Baht strengthen. As a result revenue from
result of the continuously affected from Thai Bath strengthen to US Dollar (Which is the company's main currency), resulting in the company recognized revenue from sales of foreign currency decreased
new joint venture company by the name of Toyobo Indorama Advanced Fibers Company Limited (“TIAF”) will be formed. Toyobo has a long relationship and with IVL and this new JV will further strengthen
will simultaneously improve the other elements’ effectiveness. Determined to solidify financial reporting and audit quality, the SEC aims to strengthen all elements of TSQC1 and has, therefore, raised
Exchange To strengthen the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET)’s competitiveness and attractiveness in the regional and global context, the SEC has provided guidance and advice to relevant parties. An amendment
strengthen against US Dollar, and increase in cost of sales Please be informed Yours sincerely, (Ms. Sineemas Sotpiparpnukul) Chief Executive Officer Authorized Director