20.16% from same period of previous year. 2. Transportation service income decreased because there was no LPG transportation service fee to regional LPG depot from PTT Plc. since February 2017. 3
LPG depot from PTT Plc. However, the Group has provided ammonia transportation service during 2017 by invest in ammonia truck, which made depreciation expense slightly increased 3. Conversion kit
- Fridays (except public holidays) from 08:30 - 15:00 hours. (lunch break) Work flow, period of time, and responsible agencies Consideration period: 75 days Step Work flow Period Responsible agency 1
time, and responsible agencies Consideration period: 240 days Step Work flow Period Responsible agency 1) Checklist: - Submit Form 61-1F and evidentiary documents under Clause 15; - SEC official checks
ครั้งแรกนับจาก วันที่ออกตราสาร หรือการแปลงสภาพเป็นหุ้นสามัญ 6. การปรับเพ่ิมอัตราดอกเบี้ยตามข้อกำหนดสิทธิ (Step-Up) ซึ่งถือเป็นปัจจัยสำคัญที่อาจทำให้ ผู้ออกตราสารใช้สิทธิเรียกคืนตราสารก่อนครบกำหนดอายุ โดย
holidays) from 08:30 - 15:00 hours. (lunch break) Work flow, period of time, and responsible agencies Consideration period: 150 days Step Work flow Period Responsible agency 1) Checklist: - Submit Form 61-1
PowerPoint Presentation Copyright© 2022 by PTT Digital Solutions Company Limited. All rights reserved. SDGs Connect Sustainable Business Matching Event Copyright© 2022 by PTT Digital Solutions
Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission No. SorKhor/Nor. 37/2550 Re: Relaxation on Calculation and Announcement of Net Asset Value of Mutual Funds Investing in Equity Instruments Issued by PTT
ีcredit rating AA (haircut = 1.5%) มลูคา่ 1,000 ลบ. จาก issue amount 20,000 ลบ. 60 ตวัอยา่งการค านวณ Large Exposure Risk 6/14 STEP 1 : ค านวณ Large Exposure Risk วธิที ี ่1 1. ค านวณหาสถานะเงนิลงทนุสทุธ
of THB 39,000. After the acquisition, Master & More holds 100% of Open Play’ total shares. Open Play is a company that was granted the exclusive rights from PTT Public Company Limited to manage