management company The rules apply to the mutual fund that will invest in the targeting fund as follows: (1) The targeting fund shall not invest back to the invested fund (circle investment), and the invested
management company The rules apply to the mutual fund that will invest in the targeting fund as follows: (1) The targeting fund shall not invest back to the invested fund (circle investment), and the invested
อนุญาตมิใช่บริษัทจดทะเบียน) ภาพถ่ายหนังสือแสดงข้อผูกพันต่อสำนักงานว่า จะทำสัญญา back to back agreement กับบุคคลที่กำหนดก่อนเสนอขายในแต่ละครั้ง (ถ้ามี) ภาพถ่ายหนังสือแสดงข้อผูกพันต่อสำนักงานว่า จะจัดให้มี
)” – liquid assets less liabilities and risk haircuts – to ensure that there are sufficient liquid assets to absorb losses, maintain stable financial status and, in the event of insolvency, prevent damage to
price Protection measures for warrant holders, which must contain at least the following commitment: In case of a callable warrant It must indicate clear reasons for the company to call on the