Microsoft Word - public hearing-complex&ACMF08082018 เอกสารรับฟงความคิดเห็น เลขที่ อจต. 33 /2561 เร่ือง รางประกาศการแกไขหลักเกณฑเก่ียวกับการออกและเสนอขายตราสารหน้ี และการเปดเผยขอมูล ครั้งที่ 2
robot trading are related terms that are often used interchangeably. • High frequency trading (HFT): a subset of algorithmic trading where orders are submitted by low-latency and sophisticated technology
exemption or light-touch track for offers made to sophisticated investors or private placements. However, the SEC proposes that ICO for “investment participation” be initially allowed for institutional
” concept. Moreover, under the “Segment of One” concept, we focus on strengthening our capabilities by using data and advanced technology to understand and anticipate each individual customer’s need and
, businesses and payment have shifted into the digital realm. Meanwhile, cyber threats have become more sophisticated, as seen from their application of state- of-the-art technologies. Against this backdrop 4 © International Corporate Governance Network (2013) Preamble These principles set out the ICGN’s view of current best practices in terms of the responsibilities of institutional investors both in
Financial Statements of Advanced Connection Corporation Public Company Limited (“the Company”) and its subsidiaries for the year 2017 ending December 31, 2017, appear as comprehensive operating loss of the
remains high, and gross refinery margin improved from the increase of crack spread for all products, along with a record of inventory gain from rising average crude oil price during the quarter. Marketing
advanced machine learning, we investigate the effect of board gender diversity on corporate culture. Our results demonstrate that greater board gender diversity considerably strengthens positive corporate
ให้บรษิัทอำจไม่สำมำรถชดใช้ควำมเสียหำยได้ - กำรมีเงินทนุน้อยอำจก่อให้เกิดกรณีกำรใช้เงินทุนหมดไปกบั ค่ำใช้จ่ำยในกำรปฏิบตัิงำน (cash burn out) ซ่ึงจะส่งผลเสียหำยต่อ ควำมเชื่อมั่นของผู้ลงทนุ - กำรก ำหนดทุน