outbreak, especially on export, tourism and industrial sector. However, economic recovery has been high uncertain from new wave of the COVID-19 pandemic since December 2020. As a result, the domestic tourism
outbreak, especially on export, tourism and industrial sector. However, economic recovery has been high uncertain from new wave of the COVID-19 pandemic since December 2020. As a result, the domestic tourism
increased ,while the Social security revenue of subsidiaries decreased. Payment system of Social security office is uncertain therefore in Q1/2019 subsidiaries did not receive revenue of chromic disease. 2
liquidity boosting measures to aid financial institutions which provided support to fixed-income funds, together with establishment of a Corporate Bond Stabilization Fund (BSF) and a soft loan scheme. Ye ar
continued to contract, especially investments in machinery and capital goods. The delays in business investment were attributable to weak demand and concerns over the uncertain economic outlook in the period
not jeopardize the credit history of debtors. Additionally, soft loan options were given to SME with a credit line not exceeding Baht 500 million per each commercial bank, with an interest rate of not
เขา้ใจเพิ่มเติมเก่ียวกบั (1) ประเภทบุคคลท่ีส านกังาน ประกาศเพิ่มเติมให้เป็นบุคคลท่ีเก่ียวขอ้ง (2) การท าธุรกรรม cross trade ท่ีเหมาะสม (3) การรับ ผลประโยชน์ตอบแทนเน่ืองจากการใชบ้ริการบุคคลอ่ืน (soft
kept its growth momentum from the previous quarter. However, it did not clearly show evidence of a broad-based recovery. Private investment, in particular, remained uncertain, pending greater clarity in
Risk Management During the first quarter of 2018, the Thai economy saw an uneven recovery amid limited growth in consumption, weak farm income and risks from uncertain trade policies and protectionist
prohibited under section 126(1) and section 139(5), as the case may be; (1) Management company obtained the soft commission from any person for its own account, deriving from the service offered by such person