reasonable price and not be deemed as transfer with less than reasonable consideration or that prejudice the creditors: (1) book value in accordance with the accounting standards; 6 (2) value determined by the
person under an approved project in the following values shall be deemed as reasonable price and not be deemed as transfer with less than reasonable consideration or that prejudice the creditors: (1) book
consideration or that prejudice the creditors: (1) book value in accordance with the accounting standards; (2) value determined by the financial advisor as reasonable price for transfer of assets that has taken
definition: ““fund” means a provident fund.” SECTION 4. The following definitions shall be inserted as “single fund” and “pooled fund” between the definitions “fund” and “wages” in Section 3 of the Provident
beneficiary who inspects book of trust property under Section 47. SECTION 71 In cases where a trustee commits an offence under Section 70, the director, manager or any person responsible for the operation of a
paragraph of Section 59 or Section 60; (3) obstructs or fails to give assistance to a beneficiary who inspects book of trust property under Section 47. SECTION 71 In cases where a trustee commits an offence
assistance to a beneficiary who inspects book of trust property under Section 47. SECTION 71 In cases where a trustee commits an offence under Section 70, the director, manager or any person responsible for
the date of its publication in the Government Gazette. Section 3. In this Act: “fund”3 means a provident fund. “single fund” 3 means a fund established for employees of a single employer. “pooled fund
the date of its publication in the Government Gazette. Section 3 . In this Act: “fund”3 means a provident fund. “single fund” 3 means a fund established for employees of a single employer. “pooled fund
กำรปฏิบัติรำชกำรทำงอิเล็กทรอนิกส์ พ.ศ. .... อ้ำงถึง European Commission, “Trust services identification” ๗