-Translation- Ref. No. PorBor. 050 / 2019 December 27, 2019 Subject: Entering into Transaction of Acquisition of Associate Company’s ordinary shares To: President The Stock Exchange of Thailand
associate company. The details of which are as follows: 1) Transaction Date November 15, 2017 2) Contractual Parties and Relationship with the Company Seller : U City Public Company Limited Purchaser
29.39 KPMG 3 3 1 (Leadership Responsibilities for Quality within the Firm) KPMG 3 KPMG KPMG KPMG KPMG 3 2 (Relevant Ethical Requirements) KPMG Public Interest Entities signing partner engagement partner
summarized as follows: 10% 0 ‐ 45% 45%‐90% 100% 75% EPCO EP SPM (TH)Partner Phu Khanh Solar Power (PKS) NVHPY THAILAND VIETNAM NVHPY: NAM VIET HUNG PHU YEN INVESTMENT COMPANY LIMITED is a company
) EY 4 EY EY AQI 3 EY (3:1) 6:1) EY senior manager manager EY staff turnover 27.33%) (20.31%) EY EY career path) succession plan) EY 3.5 (Engagement Performance) EY engagement partner ) EY 2 engagement
profit from the investment in associate company and reduction of sales and administrative expenses. In the year 2018, the company recorded shared profit from the investment in associate company of amount
jointly sign and seal of the Company. Mr.Chirasak Chiyachantana Mrs.Sangsri Chiyachantana Ms. Jatechanya Boonchaleo Two of these tree directors jointly sign and seal of the company. World Industrial Estate
these tree directors jointly sign and seal of the company. Please be informed accordingly Yours sincerely, (Associate Prof. Dr. Chiraphol Chiyachantana) Authorized person for disclosure of information
ภาคผนวก 1. ค านิยาม 1.1 ผู้สอบบัญชีหลัก (“key audit partner”) หมายความว่า ผู้สอบบัญชี ที่รับผิดชอบงาน ผู้สอบทานการควบคุมคุณภาพงาน หรือผู้สอบบัญชีอื่นในกลุ่มผู้ปฏิบัติงาน ซึ่งเป็นผู้ตัดสินใจหลักหรือ
AQIs AQIs AQIs AQIs AQIs AQIs AQIs 2564 - 2565 AQIs - 1. * 2564 Non-Big 4 Local firms1 International firms2 (partner)3 166 - 577 5.11% - 6.39% 4.21% - 13.72% EQCR) 68 - 364 2.09% - 4.03% 1.71% - 4.20% 1