Microsoft Word - WAVE SET disclosure disposal of Index EN_Final 25Dec2561.doc 1/4 L-WAVE ENT 71/2018 25 December 2018 Subject Disposal of shares in Index Creative Village Public Company
Microsoft Word - WAVE SET disclosure disposal of Index TH_ Final 25Dec2561.doc 1/4 L-WAVE ENT 71/2561 วันท่ี 25 ธันวาคม 2561 เร่ือง การจําหนายไปซึ่งหุนในบริษัท อินเด็กซ
Q1/2024 Q2/2024 Q3/2024 Q4/2024 Projection 2024: 2.5% 2025: 3.0% 39 M (Projected) 50 M = million persons Economy SET Index & Forward EPS Source : Bloomberg, data as of May 2024 Source: Bloomberg
countries over 17 years we find the relationship between stock market volatility and gambling index performance are negative and significant in quarterly and yearly regression subject to several performance
moment, the SEC official who accepts the application and the applicant must sign their names on the record of defect and the list of evidentiary documentation, and a period of time for the applicant to fix
filled up at the moment, the SEC official who accepts the application and the applicant must sign their names on the record of defect and the list of evidentiary documentation, and a period of time for the
(Materiality) และตอ้งมกีารรายงานตามดัชนขีองหลักเกณฑท์ีก่ าหนด (GRI Index) การรายงานยทุธศาสตรอ์งคก์รในภาพรวมจะปรากฎใน Our Business การรายงานประเด็นส าคญัดา้นความยั่งยนืจะปรากฎใน Our Strategy in Action Appendix
is based on revenue of OOH listed companies in SET Index. 2 Shopee replaced COMICO brand at Victory Monument station after the contract expired in January 2018. The fourth quarter of 2017/18 (ended 31
moment, the SEC official who accepts the application and the applicant must sign their names on the record of defect and the list of evidentiary documentation, and a period of time for the applicant to fix
Typewriter [Authorized Director Sign here] phanchul Typewriter [Authorized Director Sign here] phanchul Typewriter [Input name of Authorized Director] phanchul Typewriter [Input name of Authorized Director