revenue from sales because the sales volume decreases as steel domestic 's consumption was discouraged by economics and loss of sales opportunities related to a low level of stocks due to a limited
discouraged by economics. Lose sales opportunities in relation to a low level of stocks due to a limited warehouse space. Other income 2.8 6.1 117.9% A gain and profit in exchange rate comparing to the same
to align their Sustainability Bonds with both the SBG and the SLBP. For the avoidance of doubt, such an approach remains at the discretion of issuers and is neither recommended nor discouraged. 3 https
to whether or not to apply a most favoured nation clause or to modify a peer group (for example due to M&A activity of peers) is discouraged. 3-6 Can an Issuer amend how it calculates a KPI or change
and is neither recommended nor discouraged. Voluntary Process Guidelines for Issuing Social Bonds Voluntary Process Guidelines for Issuing Social Bonds 7
and is neither recommended nor discouraged. Voluntary Process Guidelines for Issuing Green Bonds 8
project comprises of Shopping Mall and other mixed-use development under the concept of ‘The Shining Gem of EEC Plus 2’ with targeted opening in 2022. Moreover, CPN seeks for long-term growth opportunities
Chanthaburi mixed-use project comprises of Shopping Mall and other mixed-use development under the concept of ‘The Shining Gem of EEC Plus 2’ with targeted opening in 2022. Moreover, the Company seeks for long
are to be achieved and for how long they are to be retained. The use of derivatives or other structures that enable the hedging of an individual’s exposure to the company’s shares should be discouraged
3.) โครงกำรมิกซ์ยูส เซ็นทรลัพลาซา จนัทบุร ีประกอบดว้ยศูนย์กำรคำ้และกำร พัฒนำรูปแบบผสมอืน่ๆ ภำยใตแ้นวคดิ The Shining Gem of ECC plus 2 คำดว่ำ จะเปิดใหบ้รกิำรในปี 2565 นอกจำกนี้ ยังจับมือร่วมกับบรษัิท