position.” *Readers should be aware that only the original Thai text has legal force. The English translation is strictly for reference and shall not in any event be construed or interpreted as having effect
Office. It is important to note that this is an unofficial English translation which has not been subjected to an official review by the SEC Office. Readers should be aware that only the original Thai text
to note that this is an unofficial English translation which has not been subjected to an official review by the SEC Office. Readers should be aware that only the original Thai text has legal force and
only the original Thai text has legal force and that this English translation is strictly for reference. The SEC, Thailand cannot undertake any responsibility for its accuracy nor be held liable for any
Trust for Transactions in Capital Market Act B.E. 2550 was prepared by staff members of the SEC Office. Readers should be aware that only the original Thai text has legal force and that English
occurs: (1) the trustee resigns; (2) the trustee is under receivership, ceases to be a juristic person, or ceases to be a commercial bank; (3) the trustee is dismissed from trusteeship; (4) the SEC
was prepared by staff members of the SEC Office. Readers should be aware that only the original Thai text has legal force and that English translation is strictly for reference. Please also note that
กระทรวงไว ดังตอไปนี้ ขอ ๑ ใหเพิ่มบทนิยามคําวา “บริษัทเครดิตฟองซิเอร” ระหวางบทนิยามคําวา “บริษัทเงินทุน” และคําวา “ธนาคารพาณิชย” ในขอ ๑ แหงกฎกระทรวง ฉบับที่ ๑๑ (พ.ศ. ๒๕๔๑) ออกตามความใน พระราช
characteristics: * This English translation of Derivatives Act B.E. 2546 (as amended) was prepared by staff of the SEC Office. Readers should be aware that only the original Thai text has legal force and that
characteristics: * This English translation of Derivatives Act B.E. 2546 ( as amended ) was prepared by staff of the SEC Office. Readers should be aware that only the original Thai text has legal force and that