appoint it to act as securities broker. For the purpose of fairness to the parties, the SEC may specify any particulars which are material to the agreement.
. Assets 5. Legal disputes 6. General information and other material facts Part 2: Management and Corporate Governance 7. Securities and shareholders 8. Organizational structure 9. Corporate governance 10
contained in the Registration Statement is vested in the issuer. If the Registration Statement contains any false statement or particulars or omits to state any material information which should have been
opinion · 2 . Qualified opinion due to (can choose more than one): ( 2.1 Misstatements that are material, but not pervasive, resulting from: ( 2.1.1 selection of an inappropriate accounting policy
, having obtained sufficient and appropriate audit evidence, concludes that misstatements, individually or in the aggregate, are material, but not pervasive to the financial statements ; from ( 2.1.1
. General information and other material facts 19 Part 2: Corporate Governance 6. Corporate governance policy 21 7. Corporate governance structure and material facts related to the board, 23 subcommittees
shall have the power to specify the particulars which are material to the agreement. (As amended by Section 6 of the Securities and Exchange Act (No.2) B.E. 2542)
Checklist for Registration Statement for an offer for sale of units of foreign collective investment scheme Form 69 – CIS material update [ ] 1. The Update Statements [ ] Any documents relevant to
leaving the regulatory sandbox upon or before expiration. (5) specifying a limited scope of services to alleviate material impacts or damage on investors or the overall capital market, for example, types or
material update (effective date on _____________________ ) ( Form 69 – CIS material update (effective date on _____________________ ) Warnings: An investor considering the purchase of units of foreign