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UOB ASSET MANAGEMENT (THAILAND) COMPANY LIMITED|Foreign Investment Fund : FIF,Specific Fund | Offering Date : 21/08/2009 - 28/08/2009
KASIKORN ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED|Feeder Fund | Offering Date : 04/06/2008 - 12/06/2008
SCB ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED|Super Savings Fund : SSF | Offering Date : 08/12/2020 - 22/12/2020
ABERDEEN ASSET MANAGEMENT (THAILAND) LIMITED|Feeder Fund ,Super Savings Fund : SSF | Offering Date : 06/06/2023 - 16/06/2023
SCB ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED|Feeder Fund ,Retirement Mutual Fund : RMF | Offering Date : 24/08/2021 - 30/08/2021
exceeding 460,000,000 shares offer to VAVA under the private placement scheme, at the offering price of Baht 0.405 per share which is not deemed as a price of less than 90% of the weighted average price of
longer than normal. However electricity sales rose 9% QoQ from the increased average irradiation hours seasonally. Within this quarter, share of profit from associated companies was recorded at THB 19
(3) -103% Elimination (73) (41) 6 108% 115% (228) (134) 41% Profit attributable to owners of the Company 918 1,316 1,386 51% 5% 4,773 5,778 21% Basic earnings per share (Baht) 0.67 0.96 1.01 3.47 4.20