interest of the shareholder or the value of share (Shareholders’ value) (b) Acquisition and disposition of material assets, purchase, sale, or lease of business, business merger and acquisition, hired for
. Other derivatives liabilities 18. Provision 19. Other liabilities Total liabilities Shareholders’ equity 20. Share capital 20.1 Authorized share capital 20.2 Issued and paid-up share capital 21. Stock
applicable) ผู้ซื้อ/ ผู้รับโอน โปรดระบุชื่อ/ความสัมพันธ์ 5 Purchaser/ Transferee (Specify name and relationship) จำนวน (Amount) ราคาเฉลี่ย (Average price) ผู้จัดทำ / Reporter หุ้นสามัญ (common share) หุ้น
........ Year ............. Year ............. Year ............ Total assets Total liabilities Shareholders’ equity Total income Cost Net profits Earnings per share (EPS) Debt/equity ratio (D/E ratio) Return on
changes in the shareholding structure, management or business operation or any other important events (for example, merger and acquisition) during the past three years, if any. 1.3 Shareholding structure In
. conducted not more than one year prior to the acquisition of the said asset; 2. if the value of the asset is more than fifty million baht, the appraisal shall be conducted by at least one appraiser; 3. if the
and acquisition) during the past three years; 1.1.3 Specify whether or not the Company has already spent the raised fund to serve the objectives declared in the registration statement for securities