employing knowledge and ability as a professional under different situation, being independent in making investment decision and having diversified investment in order to reduce investment risk, etc. (2) The
acceptable and reliable standards. Such units shall have an independent operation and shall be free from other work units. Clause 9 A securities company shall separate work units and personnel whose duty
standard. Such units shall undertake independent operation and be independent from other units. Clause 6. A securities company shall separate the units and personnel whose duties , responsibilities, or
securities company shall separate the work units and personnel responsible for communicating, soliciting or giving securities investment advice to clients from the work units and personnel responsible for
capital market products ; (4) considering ability of the client to perform in respect of servicing agreement. In case of provident fund as the client , the intermediary only assesses suitability as
investment objectives, the level of knowledge, understanding, and experience in derivatives trading, the financial status, and the repayment ability of each client. In performing the duty in accordance with
) categorizing type of the client ; (3) assessing suitability for investment in or entering into a transaction of capital market products ; (4) considering ability of the client to perform in respect of servicing
arranged by the derivatives fund manager must possess knowledge, ability and business understanding and is subject to the approval of the Office in accordance with rules as prescribed in the notification of
complete information handed over to the intermediary as requested would certainly affect provided services or advice to each client. Clause 8 An intermediary shall consider the ability of clients in part of
increase or decrease of credit limit suitable for clients’ repayment ability, and updating clients’ information and reviewing each client’s credit limit at least once a year; (3) appointing a committee to