.) ร่วมออกบูธในงาน Digital Governance Thailand 2023 (DGT 2023) ภายใต้แนวคิด “Happiness Creation #ชีวิตดีเมื่อมีดิจิทัล” ซึ่งสำนักงานพัฒนา https://www.sec.or.th/TH/Pages/News_Detail.aspx?SECID=9880 <
Supercenter Public Company Limited to launch the Big C Platinum payWave Credit 2 Card and Big C Exclusive Card, which offering privileges under the concept “Daily happiness for shopping at Big C”. The Big C
Mr. Chakkit Thanavirun On July 23, 2013, Mr. Chakkit Thanavirun, an executive vice president (administration and finance) responsible for the operation of Bliss-Tel Public Company Limited (BLISS
Mr. Chakkit Thanavirun On November 12, 2013, Mr. Chakkit Thanavirun, a managing director, an executive chairman and a vice president responsible for the operation of Bliss-Tel Public Company Limited
Mr. Chakkit Thanavirun On February 28, 2014, Mr. Chakkit Thanavirun, a managing director, an executive chairman and a vice president responsible for the operation of Bliss-Tel Public Company Limited
markets went into a tailspin, whereas turbulence was seen in manufacturing, service and tourism sectors, which in turn dampened domestic spending sentiment. The situation adversely affected the government’s
, the ship of happiness that symbolizes the way of life in the Samut Sakhon province. Through the semi-outdoor lifestyle concept, the shopping mall serves as the best highway destination for the local
products and service with best attention for enhancing their personality to be confident as well as to aware of taking good care in skin care, healthy body and mind, own happiness and the accompany. Revenue
strategy under the vision of the “Center of Life”, such that its business operations will continue to be the center of happiness, create new experiences, and become the safe and health-conscious place for
. Nonetheless, the Company maintains its confidence in its growth strategy under the vision of the “Center of Life”, such that its business operations will continue to be the center of happiness, create new