Bangkok, December 15, 2014 ? The SEC has announced selection process for new Secretary-General. Candidates must have qualifications and shall not possess any prohibited characteristics. The SEC Board
Bangkok, 14 August 2018 ? The SEC has announced selection process for next Secretary-General. Candidates must have qualifications and shall not possess any prohibited characteristics. The SEC Board's
UOB ASSET MANAGEMENT (THAILAND) COMPANY LIMITED|Feeder Fund | Offering Date : 12/05/2022 - 23/05/2022
ผู้ประกันของกองทุนรวมมีประกัน underlying asset ซึ่งในที่นี้คือหน่วยลงทุนในจำนวนที่เท่ากับ (1 – option delta) คูณ current value ของ underlying asset และทำการ short zero-coupon bond มี่มีอายุคงเหลือ
Bangkok, August 16, 2012 ? The SEC reveals that provident funds offering employee?s choice continually increased in Q2/2012. The record showed an increase of 176 employers offering employee?s choice
นุนใหส้มำชิก PVD (“สมำชิก”) เลือกแผนกำรลงทุนไดด้ว้ยตนเอง (employee’s choice) รวมถึงเปิดให้ PVD สำมำรถลงทุนในทรัพยสิ์น ท่ีจะสำมำรถสร้ำงผลตอบแทนโดยยงัคงจ ำกดัควำมเส่ียงใหอ้ยูใ่นระดบัท่ีเหมำะสม อยำ่งไรก็ดี
voting method for director selection. This case is in the judicial consideration process. In addition, on 14 November 2017 the SET announced that IFEC might be liable to delisting because IFEC failed to
Bangkok, July 29, 2011 ? The SEC has announced selection process for new Secretary-General. Candidates must have qualifications and shall not possess any of the prohibited characteristics. The SEC
technology to private fund management in analysis, selection and screening of securities trading signals, did not comply with the rules, conditions and procedures announced by the Capital Market Supervisory
, increasingly emphasize the importance of audit quality factor in the selection of auditors. Qualitative information in the firm inspection report is thus very useful for the selection process. In addition, the