Disclosure Introduced Corporate Target Life Cycle Assessment GHG Scope 1& 2 Accounting 2017 Life Cycle Assessment (Asian sites) Third Party Performance Evaluation Sustainability Data Management GHG Scope 3
Disclosure Introduced Corporate Target Life Cycle Assessment GHG Scope 1& 2 Accounting 2017 Life Cycle Assessment (Asian sites) Third Party Performance Evaluation Sustainability Data Management GHG Scope 3
AIGCC 2 3 Vision & Mission Vision: A climate resilient economy that is on track by 2030 for a net zero emissions global economy by 2050. Mission: To connect, collaborate and advocate for and on behalf of
early action 10 70% How well are Thai companies accounting for emissions? Confidential. Do not distribute. 61% 34% Reported Scope 1 emissions only Reported Scope 1+2 emissions Reported Scope 1+2 and at
appetite statement or update existing risk appetite statement and develop the climate-related metrics to track those risks under an agreed-upon threshold Report on climate-related risk metrics to the Board
on scope of audit imposed by the companies’ managements. AIE and AI must submit to the SEC and publicly disclose the rectified and audited 2014 financial statements by May 27, 2015. AIE was also
ดังกล่าว เพ่ือมิให้ผู้ลงทุนและผู้มีส่วนได้เสียเข้าใจผิดและพิจารณา เปิดเผยแผนการดำเนินการต่อไปให้ชัดเจน 3 Scope 3 คาดว่าจะบังคับให้รายงานใน 56-1 One report ปีไหน ตอนนี้ ยังไม่กำหนด ทั้งนี้ บริษัทสามารถ
in auditing and reviewing its 2014 and Q1/2015 financial statements where the auditor expressed qualified opinions due to limitation on scope of audit imposed by the company management. EIC must submit
regulation & stewardship codes ▪ Aligned with investment strategy and reviewed regularly ▪ Clearly outlines the scope of the policy and the assets it covers https://www.unpri.org/listed-equity/a-practical
accounting principles. Moreover, the auditor was unable to find sufficient supporting evidence to satisfy the audit procedures due to limitation on scope of audit imposed by the PICNI management in various