activities, yet the scope of SEC authority not covering risks and guarantees for losses from investment, nor compensations for damages incurred to investors in all cases. Other regulated regulators in the
achieve the national missions within the scope of assigned authority and under the related laws. Our Roles How We Regulate SEC Working Principles Our Policies Signatory of Investment Government Code (I
the upcoming shareholder meeting; however, the board may refuse to include the matter proposed by the shareholders in the agenda only if the proposed matter does not fall within the scope specified by
the upcoming shareholder meeting; however, the board may refuse to include the matter proposed by the shareholders in the agenda only if the proposed matter does not fall within the scope specified by
“Reduce Reuse Recycle” หรอื “ลดใช้ นำกลบัมำใช้ซำ้ และรีไซเคิล” มีบริษัทจดทะเบียนและหน่วยงำนที่มีที่ต้ังบน ถนนวิภำวดีรังสิตท่ีสนใจเข้ำร่วมโครงกำร 32 แห่ง โดยในปี 2563 ได้มีกำรดำเนินกิจกรรมภำยใต้โครงกำร