The SEC Board has approved the principles for amending the regulations concerning ICO portals to allow the outsourcing of all system operations related to ICO portals, including certain due diligence tasks. This aims to increase flexibility and business efficiency, as well as to promote the roles of securities business operators (traditional players), thereby strengthening and enhancing the ecosystem. This will help investors access investment tokens more widely and provide businesses with more...
content of IFRS S1 comprises the following: 1 Objective 2 Scope 3 Conceptual foundations 4 Core content 5 General requirements 6 Judgements, uncertainties and errors 28 พฤศจกิายน 2567 Page 13 ท ำควำมรู้
Bangkok, June 6, 2014 ? The SEC notified Vintage Engineering Plc. (VTE) to rectify its 2013 and Q1/2014 financial statements due to limitation on auditors? audit/review scope, respectively. VTE is
Bangkok, June 2, 2014 ? The SEC notified Professional Waste Technology (1999) Plc. (PRO) to rectify its Q1-3/2012 financial statements due to limitation on scope of review imposed by PRO management
. Basic shareholder rights are well established, and shareholders freely trade their shares, participate in shareholders meetings—including by proxy—and receive a range of information from listed companies
on scope of audit imposed by the companies’ managements. AIE and AI must submit to the SEC and publicly disclose the rectified and audited 2014 financial statements by May 27, 2015. AIE was also
in auditing and reviewing its 2014 and Q1/2015 financial statements where the auditor expressed qualified opinions due to limitation on scope of audit imposed by the company management. EIC must submit
Bangkok, September 1, 2014 ? The SEC notified Vintage Engineering Plc. (VTE) to rectify its Q2/2014 financial statements due to auditor?s qualified opinion arising from scope restriction. VTE is then
a shareholder for a 260.3 million baht debt repayment on the company?s bonds. The order was issued after the auditor?s report stated that the scope of review of such financial statements was limited
statements with disclaimed opinion of auditor (the same one who arranges the special audit) because of limitation on scope in auditing caused by the management of DAIDO. Since such type of financial statements