opinion · 2 . Qualified opinion due to (can choose more than one): ( 2.1 Misstatements that are material, but not pervasive, resulting from: ( 2.1.1 selection of an inappropriate accounting policy
documented information security policy which addresses at least the following matters: (1) policy on the use of cloud computing which covers the methods for selection and evaluation of cloud providers, review
experts appointed as board member by the Minister through selection process in accordance with Section 31/7; in this regard, at least two of such experts shall have experience in managing a company whose
demonstrate that there are systems on the appointment of a custodian agent in place as follow: (1) System for selection a custodian agent to ensure that the custodian agent has a system ready for taking assets
shall comply with the following rules: (1) shall make consideration of credit rating information selection with responsibility and caution (fiduciary duties) and shall not make credit rating information
and completely. Clause 10. In the case where the securities company uses an information technology of the outsider provider, the securities company shall determine a measure for selection and
total revenue from the other clients thereof. 7. Safeguards against independence impairment of the partners in the Audit Firm Please explain the safeguard against independence impairment of the partners
สิทธิคล้ายทุนมาเสนอให้ผู้ลงทุนเฉพาะเมื่อประเมินความเสี่ยงและผลตอบแทนแล้วเห็นว่า เหมาะสม และเป็นธรรม (product screening and selection) 2. จัดให้มีการเปิดเผยข้อมูลแก่ผู้ลงทุนอย่างเพียงพอ โดยอาจมีเครื่องมือ
selection of accounting policy, observations or qualified opinion of the auditor on significant accounting items (if any), and the results of the implementation of the business plan and objectives in relation
knowledge and experience in reviewing the reliability the financial statements of the Company and their experience in auditing financial statements. 9.3 Selection and appointment of directors and chief